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This file is Freeware (c) 2002 by

Richard Gulliver
Newcastle upon Tyne
United Kingdom

E-mail: r.gulliver@btinternet.com

No commercial distribution of this file or any file based on this file or parts of it
without my express written confirmation.

To install this panel, unzip the downloaded archive (zip file) and move the Panel folder to the required Tornado F3 Aircraft folder.

Place The Contents of the Gauge Folder into the Main FS2002 Gauge folder

Place the AIBridge.exe in the main Sqawkbox for FS2002 folder

Place the pushback sound files into the main FS2002 Sound Folder

Requires FS2000 Concorde.gau available at SurClaro, SurClaro.com and Simviation.com

AIBridge is the link between Squawkbox and the radar gauge.

* The Radar gauge:

This is a completely new radar gauge. It requires Pete Downson's FSUIPC version 2.83 or higher.

It works with the traffic information provided by FSUIPC. It shows all the surrounding aircrafts managed by FS2002 AI. You can select an aircraft (your target) by clicking it. The radar will then show information about the target:

- ID (Tail number of flight name)
- Speed (ground speed)
- Altitude in FL (ASL)
- Vertical speed (in feet/minute)
- Distance

The radar has 3 modes and adjustable range. For more information, please refer to Radar_doc.gif.

This will allow you to make fantastic interceptions or escorts of airliners.

Note: To have the best information display, I suggest that you configure FSUIPC to display only
the tail number as target ID. To do this, edit FSUIPC.ini (located in your 'Modules'
directory) and change the line TCASid=... to TCASid=Tail

My special thanks to the following

Original Tornado bitmap by Phil Perrit
F16 Radar Gauge by Eric Marciano
Pushback Gauge by Andreas Jaros
And to all the other gauge developers

Happy Flying

Richard Gulliver